
First Year Video Lectures


Unit: 1.Fundamental Concepts and Definitions Video Lectures

Definition of thermodynamics, System, Surrounding and universe, Phase, Concept of continuum,Macroscopic & microscopic point of view. Density, Specific volume, Pressure, temperature.Thermodynamic equilibrium, Property, State, Path, Process, Cyclic and non cyclic processes,Reversible and irreversible processes, Quasi static process, Energy and its forms, Enthalpy.


Unit: 2.Zeroth law Video Lectures

Zeroth law:Zeroth law, Different temperature scales and temperature measurement First law:First law of thermodynamics. Processes - flow and non-flow, Control volume, Flow work and non- flow work, Steady flow energy equation, Unsteady flow systems and their analysis. Second law:Limitations of first law of thermodynamics, Essence of second law, Thermal reservoir, Heat engines. COP of heat pump and refrigerator. Statements of second law and their equivalence,Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem, Thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausius inequality. Concept of entropy.


Unit: 3.Properties of steam Video Lectures

Properties of steam, Phase transformation process and its graphical representation on P-V, T-V& T-s diagram, Mollier diagram and Steam Tables, Processes involving steam in closed and open systems. Introduction to I.C. Engines:Two & four stoke S.I. and C.I. engines. Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle.


Unit: 4.Force system and Analysis Video Lectures

Basic concept:Review of laws of motion, transfer of force to parallel position, resultant of planer force system,Free Body Diagrams, Equilibrium. Friction: Introduction, Laws of Coulomb friction,Equilibriumof bodies involving dry fiction. Structure Analysis Beams:Introduction, Shear force and bending moment, Shear force and bending moment diagram for statically determinate and indeterminate beams. Trusses:Introductio n, Simple Trusses, Determination of forces in simple truss members, Method of Joints and Method of section.


Unit: 5.Stress and Strain Analysis Video Lectures

Simple stress and strain:Introduction, Normal shear stresses, Stress-strain diagrams for ductile and brittle materials,Elastic constants, One dimensional loading of members of varying cross section, Strain energy,Thermal stresses. Compound stress and strains:Introduction, State of plane stress, Principal stress and strain, Mohr’s circle for stress and strain. Pure Bending of Beams:Introduction, Simple bending theory, Stress in beams of different cross sections. Torsion: Introduction, Torsion of Shafts of circular section, Torque and Twist, Shear stress due to Torque.
