Thermodynamics- Definition, System, Surroundings, Boundary, Types of Systems, Pure Substances

Thermodynamics- Definition, System, Surroundings, Boundary, Types of Systems, Pure Substances

Thermodynamic System and Surroundings Animation video

Welcome to Simplified Engineering a new video lecture series from Competitive Engineering.In this video we are explaining the engineering and science concepts in simplified animated way for easy understanding and learning.This first video will give you the concepts of Thermodynamic Systems and surroundings.

Concept of Continuum

Concept of Continuum

Macroscopic & Microscopic point of view

Macroscopic & Microscopic point of view



Definition of Specific Volume | Properties of Fluid | Fluid Mechanics & Machineries

Definition of Specific Volume | Properties of Fluid | Fluid Mechanics & Machineries

What is Pressure?

What is Pressure?

Thermodynamic Equilibrium in hindi || what is thermodynamic equilibrium

Thermodynamic Equilibrium in hindi || what is thermodynamic equilibrium

Thermodynamics (Part-3)| Equations of State | Values Ideal and Real Gas

This video is third part of Thermodynamic Series. Here we have discussed thermodynamic equations of state and its applications.

Cyclic and Noncyclic Photophosphorylation

Cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation: In chloroplasts, phosphorylation occurs in two ways – noncyclic photophosphorylation and cyclic photophosphorylation.

THERMODYNAMICS || Reversible and Irreversible Process.

THERMODYNAMICS || Reversible and Irreversible Process.

Quasi Static Process

Quasi Static Process

Different Forms Of Energy

Different Forms Of Energy

Enthalpy in hindi || Enthalpy in thermodynamics

Enthalpy in hindi || Enthalpy in thermodynamics

Macroscopic and microscopic forms of energy

Macroscopic and microscopic forms of energy

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