
Video Lectures of Data Structure

1.1 Arrays in Data Structure | Declaration, Initialization, Memory representation

CORRECTION: At run time initialization we will write:
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
Discussed need of array, declaration of array, initialization of array, memory representation of array (data structures and algorithms)

1.2 Array Operations - Traversal, Insertion | full explanation with C program | data structure

Main operations on arrays: Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, searching, sorting This video explains traversal and insertion operations with code (C program), Insertion at the beginning, insertion at the end, insertion at any position.

1.3 Array Operations | deletion from array | full explanation with code | data structure

Discussed how to delete data from array in data structure with C program.

1.4 Pointers and arrays | Data structure

Discussed the relationship between arrays and pointers in data structure with example and code.

1.5 Introduction to Two Dimensional (2D) arrays | Implementation of 2D arrays |Memory representation

  • Definition of two-dimensional arrays (2D arrays)
  • Declaration of 2 D array
  • Initialization of 2D array
  • Implementation of 2D array/Memory representation of 2D array
  • Row-major and Column-major implementation
  • Accessing elements of 2D array

1.6 Pointers and 2-D Arrays | Two dimensional array | data structure

In this video, we will see how we can work with 2-D(two dimensional) arrays using pointers. I have explained how 2-D arrays are organized in memory and how pointer arithmetic and dereferencing can be used to work with 2-D arrays.

2.1 Introduction to linked list | Need of linked list | data structures

In this video, I have described linked list data structure. I have analyzed limitations of array data structure and tried to discuss need of linked list.

2.2 Types of linked list in data structures

Discussed types of linked list: Singly linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list, Doubly Circular linked list

2.3 Arrays vs Linked List | Data structures

In this video we will compare arrays with linked lists based on various factors and understand cost of various operations with these data structures

2.4 Linked List implementation in C/C++ | creation and display | data structures

CORRECTION: @24:10 initialize choice variable with 1 by writing:
int choice=1;
In this video we will see implementation of basic operations like create a node in linkedlist and traverse a linkedlist.

2.5 Insert a node in Singly Linked List(at beginning,end,specified position)with code|data structure

In this video we will see how to insert a node in linked list - at beginning, at end and at any given position with example. we will also write a C program for insertion operation.

2.6 Delete a node from linked list (from beginning, end, specified position) | Data Structure

In this video we have written a C program for deletion operation in linked list. We have discussed how to delete a node form singly linked list (from beginning, from end, from given position) with examples.

2.7 Find length of linked list- Iterative approach | data structures

In this video I have written a C program to find the length of a singly linked list using iterative approach. Analyzed and discussed the getlength function with example.

2.8 Reverse a linked list - Iterative method | data structure

In this lecture I have written C program to reverse a singly linked list. I have followed iterative approach to solve this problem.

2.9 Introduction to Doubly Linked List - Data structures

2.10 Implementation of Doubly Linked List - Data Structures

2.11 Insertion in Doubly Linked List(beginning, end, specific position) - Data Structures

2.12 Deletion from doubly linked list (from beginning,end,specific position) | data structures

In this video, I have explained deletion from doubly linked list with C program. I have explained all the cases: (with examples)

  • deletion from beginning
  • deletion from end
  • deletion from specific position

2.13 Reverse a doubly linked list | data structures

In this video I have written a C program to reverse a doubly linked list as well as I have discussed how to reverse a DLL with example.

2.14 Circular linked list in data structure - Creation and display

In this video I have written a C program for implementation (creation and display) of a circular linked list.

2.15 Implementation of Circular linked list | data structure

Here I have written a C program to create a circular linked list and to display the content of that circular linked list. I have discussed the implementation of circular linked list maintaining only tail pointer as well as both head and tail pointer.

2.16 Circular linked list - Insertion | data structure

In this video, I have written a C program for inserting a node in a circular linked list. I have discussed all the cases of insertion- (with example)

  • insertion at beginning
  • insertion at end
  • insertion at specific position

2.17 Circular linked list - deletion (from beginning, end, given position) | data structures

In this video, I have written a C program for deletion from circular linked list. Discussed all the cases of deletion with example -

  • deletion from beginning
  • deletion from end
  • deletion from specified position

2.18 Reverse a circular linked list | data structure

In this lecture, I have written C program to reverse circular linked list. This is an important interview question. I have solved this using iterative approach.

2.19 Doubly Circular Linked List - Creation and Display | Data Structures

Here I have written a C program to create and display a doubly circular linked list.

2.20 Doubly Circular linked list - Insertion | data structure

In this lecture, I have written a C program for insertion in doubly circular linked list. Discussed all the cases of insertion with examples-

  • insertion at beginning
  • insertion at end
  • insertion at given position

2.21 Doubly circular linked list - Deletion | data structure

In this lesson, I have written a C program for deletion from a doubly circular linked list. Discussed all cases to delete a node with example:

  • deletion from beginning
  • deletion from end
  • deletion from specific position

3.1 Stack in data structure | Introduction to stack | data structures

In this lecture, I have described stack as abstract data type, introduction to stack and various operations performed on stack with example.

3.2 Implementation of stack using Array | data structure

Here I have discussed array based implementation of stack data structure. Explained all the operations(push, pop, peek, traverse) with C program.

3.3 Stack implementation using linked list | data structures

Here I have discussed linked list implementation of stack data structure. I have written a C program for implementation of stack using linked list.

3.4 Infix Prefix and Postfix expressions | Data structures

In this lecture, I have described infix prefix and postfix notations which are ways to write arithmetic and logical expressions. I have also discussed how to evaluate infix prefix and postfix expressions with examples.

3.5 Infix to Postfix conversion rules using STACK | Data structures

In this video, I have explained the conversion of INFIX expression to POSTFIX expression using STACK. Keeping in mind the priority of operators(precedence) as well as associativity of operators. Associativity comes into picture when two operators of the same precedence arrive like addition and subtraction, multiplication and division etc.

3.6 Infix to Postfix using stack | Data structures

In this lecture, I have discussed an efficient algorithm to convert infix to postfix using stack in data structure.

3.7 Infix to Postfix conversion using Stack | Data structures and algorithms

In this video, I have explained the conversion of INFIX expression to POSTFIX expression using STACK with the help of examples. Keeping in mind the priority of operators(precedence) as well as associativity of operators. Associativity comes into picture when two operators of the same precedence arrive like addition and subtraction, multiplication and division etc.

3.8 infix to prefix using stack | Data structures

In this lecture, I have described an efficient algorithm for infix to prefix conversion using stack in data structure. Also discussed infix to prefix conversion without stack with example and analyzed both the approaches.

3.9 Evaluation of Prefix and Postfix expressions using stack | Data structures

In this lecture I have described how we can evaluate prefix and postfix expressions efficiently using stack data structure.

3.10 Postfix Expression evaluation using Stack | Data structures and algorithms

In this video, I have explained the Evaluation of Postfix Expression Using Stack with the help of an example.
Keeping in mind the priority of operators(precedence) as well as associativity of operators. Associativity comes into picture when two operators of the same precedence arrive like addition and subtraction, multiplication and division etc

3.11 prefix to infix conversion | postfix to infix conversion | example (Data structure)

learn how to convert prefix expression to infix expression using Stack with example Also learn how to convert postfix expression to infix expression with example in data structures and algorithms.

3.12 Expression trees | Binary Expression Tree | Data structures

In this lecture I have discussed how to construct a binary expression tree from infix expression in data structure with example.

3.13 Expression Tree from postfix | Data structures

In this lecture, I have discussed how to construct a binary expression tree from postfix using stack in data structures. It is easy to construct expression tree from postfix because we don't need to care about precedence and associativity rule.

4.1 Queue in data structure | Introduction to queues | data structures

In this lecture, I have described queue data structure as abstract data type. Discussed introduction to queue with its operations.

4.2 Implementation of queue using Arrays | data structures

In this lecture I have described array based implementation of queue data structure. I have written C program to implement queue using arrays.

4.3 Queue implementation using linked list | data structure

In this lecture I have explained implementation of queue using linked list with example. I have written C program for linked list implementation of queue data structure.

4.4 Circular queue in data structure | circular queue using array | data structures

In this lecture I have described circular queue implementation using arrays as well as analysed the drawback of linear queue. I have written C program for implementation of queue using arrays.

4.5 Circular queue in data structure | Circular queue using linked list | data structures

In this lecture I have written C program for implementation of circular queue using linked list. Analyzed and discussed the code with example.

4.6 Implement Queue Using Stack | Data Structures

Discussed how to implement queue using stacks with example. I have written a C program for implementation of queue using stacks

4.7 Deque in data structure | introduction to deque - Double Ended Queue

In this lecture, I have Deque (Double Ended Queues), types of deque and application of deque in data structure.

4.8 Implementation of DEQUE using circular array | Data structures

In this lecture I have written C program to implement DEQUE(Double Ended Queue) using circular array. Discussed all the operations on deque data structure.

5.1 Tree in data structure | Introduction to trees | Data structures

Discussed the logical model of tree data structure in computer programming. I have discussed tree as a non-linear hierarchical data structure, tree terminologies and its applications in detail.

5.2 Binary Tree and its Types | Data Structures

at 5:42 there should be 1
at 7:30 the sum will be 15
In this video, I have discussed binary tree with its properties. I have talked about different types of binary tree like - Full binary tree, Complete binary tree, Perfect binary tree with their properties.

5.3 Binary Tree Implementation | Data Structures

In this lecture, I have implemented binary tree in C/C++. I have written a C program to create a binary tree of integers.

5.4 Binary Tree Representation |Array representation of binary tree | Data Structure

Discussed how a binary tree is represented in memory using an array.
Array representation of Binary tree in Data structures.

5.5 Binary Tree Traversals (Inorder, Preorder and Postorder) | Data structures and algorithms

Explained binary tree traversals (Inorder, Preorder and Postorder) with the help of an example.

5.6 Binary Tree traversal : Preorder, Inorder, Postorder

In this lecture, I have described preorder, inorder and postorder algorithms for binary tree and I have written a C program for binary tree traversal.

5.7 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder traversal with example | Data structures

Learn how to construct Binary Tree from preorder and inorder traversals.

5.8 Construct Binary Tree from Postorder and Inorder with example | Data structures

learn how to construct a binary tree from Postorder and Inorder traversal.

5.9 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder traversal | Data structure

Construction of binary tree from postorder and preorder traversal with example.

5.13 AVL tree - Insertion, Rotations(LL, RR, LR, RL) with example | data structure

Explained basics of AVL Tree with example | AVL Tree Rotations(LL,RR,LR,RL) with example

5.14 AVL tree Insertion | with solved example | Data structures

Learn how to construct AVL tree from given data (example with solution). AVL tree insertion and rotations.

5.15 AVL Tree Deletion in Data structures | AVL tree deletion example

In Todays Video I explained How to Delete Data from AVL Tree (with Example)

5.16 Red Black tree | Introduction to Red Black trees | Data structure

In this lecture I have discussed basics of Red Black trees, need of Red Black trees, AVL trees vs Red Black Trees, properties of Red Black Trees with examples.

5.17 Red Black Tree Insertion

Explained how to do insertion in red black tree

5.18 Red Black Tree deletion | Data structure

In this lecture, I have explained all the cases of deletion in red black tree with example.
@8:05: Case 1(if red node, just delete it)
@16:05:- All the cases when we delete a black node who is having black children
@45:47:- example of red black tree deletion(all the cases with the help of one example)

5.19 Splay Tree Introduction | Data structure

Correction: at14:21 9 will be left child of 10
In this lecture I have discussed basics of Splay tree, rotations used in splay tree, advantages and drawbacks of splay tree, applications of splay tree.

5.20 Splay Tree Insertion | Data structure

In this lecture, I have described how to do insertion in splay tree with the help of an example. I have also written algorithm for insertion and for splaying operation.

5.21 Splay Trees deletion | Bottom-up Splaying | Data structure

In this lecture, I have discussed how to delete data from splay trees with an example. I have explained all the cases of deletion.

5.22 Splay Tree Deletion | Top Down Splaying | Data Structure

In this lecture , I have discussed how to delete data from splay tree using Top down approach. Discussed all the cases of deletion with example and also written algorithm for deletion.

5.23 Introduction to B-Trees | Data structures

In this lecture I have explained b-tree data structure with its properties. A B-tree is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic amortized time.

5.24 Insertion of elements in B-tree of order 3 | Data structures and algorithms

In this video, I will show you How to insert data in a B-Tree of order 3.

5.25 Insertion of elements in B-Tree of Order 5 | Data structures and algorithms

Learn how to insert data in b tree of order 5 with example in data structures and algorithms.

5.26 Insertion in B-Tree of Order 5 with Given Alphabets | Data structures and algorithms

learn how to insert data in b tree of order 5 with given alphabets.

5.27 Insertion in B-Tree of Order 4 (Data Structure)

Learn how to insert data in b tree of order 4 in data structures and algorithms

5.28 B tree deletion in data structures

Discussed all cases of deleting a key from b tree. learn how to delete data from b-tree

5.29 B+ tree insertion | B+ tree creation example | Data structure

Learn how to insert data in b+ tree of order 4. Step by step instructions showing the insertion process in b+ tree

5.30 B+ tree deletion| with example |Data structure

Discussed all the cases of deleting a key from b+ tree with example. Step by step instructions showing how to delete data from b+ tree.

5.31 B+ tree insertion | create b+ tree of order 5 | Data structures

6.1 Graph representation in Data Structure(Graph Theory)|Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List

In this video, I have explained the two most popular methods(Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List) for representing the graph in the computer.

6.3 Types of edges in DFS | Edge classification | Data Structures and Algorithms

In this video, I have explained the classification of edges (Tree edge, Forward Edge, Back Edge, Cross edge) in Depth-First Search traversal in a directed graph.

6.4 Minimum spanning tree | Data structures

In this lecture, I have explained minimum spanning tree with its properties and with example.

6.5 Prim's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree | Data structures

Learn how to find out minimum spanning tree using prim's algorithm in data structures.

6.6 Kruskals Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree- Greedy method | Data structures

Learn how to find out a minimum spanning tree using Kruskals algorithm in data structure.

6.7 UGC NET(computer science) Practice question with solution on Minimum spanning Tree

In this video, I have discussed one question on minimum spanning tree which would be helpful in UGC NET exam preparation.

6.8 Detect Cycle in Directed Graph |Data Structures and Algorithms

Cycle in directed graph using DFS traversal.

6.9 Detect Cycle in Undirected Graph | Data Structures and Algorithms

This video talks about the detection of a cycle in undirected Graph using Breadth First Search(BFS) traversal.

6.10 Topological Sorting (with Examples) | How to find all topological orderings of a Graph

In today's Video I have explained Topological Sorting (with Examples) | How to find all topological orderings of a Graph

6.11 Connected Components: how to find connected components in graph | Graph Theory

Learn how to find Connected components in an undirected graph using depth-first search(DFS).

6.12 Finding All Bridges(cut edge) in a Graph | Data structures and algorithms

In this video I have explained how to find all bridges in a graph using DFS Traversal. Bridge is also known as cut edge.

6.13 Dijkstra Algorithm- single source shortest path| With example | Greedy Method

In this video I have explained Dijkstra's Algorithm with some Examples. It is single source shortest path algorithm and use greedy method.

6.14 Bellman Ford Algorithm-Single Source Shortest Path | Dynamic Programming

Step by step instructions showing how to run the Bellman-Ford Algorithm on a graph to find out the shortest distance of all the vertices from a single source vertex. Drawbacks of the Bellman-Ford algorithm as well as the Time Complexity of this algorithm.

6.15 Floyd Warshall Algorithm All Pair Shortest Path algorithm | data structures and algorithms

In this video I have explained Floyd Warshall Algorithm for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph. It is all pair shortest path graph algorithm. It uses dynamic programming approach.

7.3 Bubble Sort Algorithm| Data Structures

Discussed bubble sort algorithm and its program with an example. Time complexity has also been calculated both in BEST case and WORST case.

7.4 Insertion Sort Algorithm | Data Structure

7.5 Selection Sort Algorithm | Data Structure

Discussed selection sort algorithm and program in Data Structures with example

7.6 Quick Sort Algorithm | Sorting Algorithm | Quick Sort Algorithm Explained

7.7 Merge Sort Algorithm | Sorting Algorithms| Merge Sort in Data structure

Discussed merge sort algorithm with an example. Step by step instructions on how merging is to be done with the code of merge function.

7.8 Max Heap Insertion and Deletion | Heap Tree Insertion and Deletion with example| Data Structure

  • What is MAX Heap and MIN Heap?
  • How to insert data in MAX heap? (Max Heap insertion)
  • How to delete data from MAX heap? (Max heap deletion)

7.9 Heap Sort | Heapify Method | Build Max Heap Algorithm

CORRECTION: at 42:50 heapify call for delete logic would be maxheapify(A, i-1,1) and in maxheapify method instead of while loop we can write if statement. :)
Discussed Heap sort and heapify method to create a max heap form array. Step by step instructions showing how to run heap sort with its pseudocode.

7.10 Radix Sort/Bucket Sort Explained- Easiest Way with Examples - Sorting Algorithm

7.11 Shell Sort algorithm | sorting algorithms | Full explanation with code | data structures

Step by step instructions showing how shell sort works with example and its code. Analysis of shell sort has also been done.

7.12 Counting Sort algorithm (analysis and code)- Easiest explanation | data structure

Discussed counting sort algorithm with its code. Step by step guide showing how to sort an array using count sort. Analysis of counting sort (Time Complexity)

7.13 Radix Sort - Easiest explanation with code | sorting algorithms | data structures

Discussed Radix sort with its code, analysis of radix sort. Step by step instructions showing how radix sort works.

8.1 Hashing techniques to resolve collision| Separate chaining and Linear Probing | Data structure

In this video, I have explained hashing methods(Chaining and Linear Probing) which are used to resolve the collision.

8.2 Hashing - Quadratic Probing | Collision Resolution Technique | Data structures and algorithms

Learn how to resolve collision using Quadratic Probing technique. In Hashing this is one of the technique to resolve collosion.

8.3 Hashing: Double Hashing | Collision Resolution technique | Data Structures and algorithms

In this video, I have explained the concept of double hashing technique which is used to resolve the collision.

9.1 Huffman coding example -Greedy Method |Data Structures

In this video, I have explained how to compress a message using Fixed sized codes and Variable sized codes(Huffman Coding) with proper example.

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