
First Year Video Lectures


Unit: 1.Calculus-I Video Lectures

Rolle’s theorem, Mean Value theorems, Expansion of functions by Maclaurin’s and Taylor’s for one variable; Taylor’s theorem for function of two variables, Partial Differentiation, Maxima & Minima (two and three variables), Method of Lagranges Multipliers.


Unit: 2.Calculus-II Video Lectures

Definite Integral as a limit of a sum and Its application in summation of series; Beta and Gamma functions and their properties; Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of revolutions. Multiple Integral, Change the order of the integration.


Unit: 3.Vector Calculus Video Lectures

Differentiation of Vectors, Scalar and vector point function, Gradient, Geometrical meaning of gradient, Directional Derivative, Divergence and Curl, Line Integral, Surface Integral and Volume Integral, Gauss Divergence, Stokes and Green theorems (without proof).


Unit: 4.Vector Spaces Video Lectures

Vector Space, Vector Sub Space, Linear Combination of Vectors,Linearly Dependent, Linearly Independent, Basis of a Vector Space,Linear Transformations.


Unit: 5.Matrices Video Lectures

Rank of a Matrix, Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations by Elementary Transformation, Consistency of Equation, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Diagonalization of Matrices, Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its applications to find inverse.
