Differential Amplifier | Differential and Common mode gain | Common mode rejection ratio

Differential Amplifier | Differential and Common mode gain | Common mode rejection ratio

Op-Amp: CMRR (Common Mode Rejection Ratio) Explained (with example)

In this video, what is Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) in op-amp and what is the importance of CMRR has been explained with the example.

Operational Amplifier: Inverting Op Amp and The Concept of Virtual Ground in Op Amp

In this video, the inverting Op-Amp configuration and the concept of virtual ground in Op-Amp has been discussed.

Nonlinearity in an Amplifier

When an amplifier's output waveform doesn't have the exact same shape as the input waveform, then the amplifier is nonlinear.

Op-Amp: Summing Amplifier (Inverting and Non-Inverting Summing Amplifiers)

In this video, the inverting and the non-inverting summing amplifiers using op-amp has been discussed along with the derivations.

Op-Amp Integrator (with Derivation and Solved Examples)

In this video, op-amp integrator circuit has been discussed (with derivation) and few examples have been solved based on this op-amp integrator circuit.

Op-Amp Differentiator (with Derivation and Examples)

In this video, op-amp differentiator circuit has been discussed (with derivation) and few examples have been solved based on this op-amp differentiator circuit.

BJT Large Signal Model Explained

In this video, the large-signal model of the BJT has been explained.

Active Low Pass Filter and Active High Pass Filter Explained

In this video, Active Low pass Filter and Active High Pass filters have been discussed.

Independent and Dependent (Controlled) Sources

This video is about Independent and Dependent Sources in the electrical circuits.

Log and Antilog Amplifiers Explained | Applications of Log and Antilog Amplifiers

In this video, the log and antilog amplifier circuits using op-amp and their applications have been discussed.

How to Generate a Triangular Wave

In this video, the triangular waveform generator circuit has been discussed and the triangular waveform has been generated using the astable multivibrator and the integrator circuit. (with design and simulations)

Schmitt Trigger Explained (Design of Inverting and Non-inverting Schmitt Trigger using Op-Amp)

In this video, Schmitt trigger circuits are explained. After watching this video you will learn what is Schmitt trigger, how Schmitt trigger works, and how it can be designed using the op-amp.

Comparator Explained (Inverting Comparator, Non-Inverting Comparator and Window Comparator)

In this video, the Comparator circuit and its different configurations like inverting comparator, Non-Inverting Comparator, and window comparator have been explained.

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