This video lecture " Formulation of Partial Differential Equation in Hindi" will help students to understand following topic of unit-IV of Mathematics-II: 1. What is Partial differential equation(PDE)? 2. How formulate PDE from a given relation. 3. Methods for formulating PDE 4. Five solved problem.
Non Linear Partial Differential Equation - Standard form-I in hindi
This video lecture " Solution of Lagranges form of Partial Differential Equation in Hindi" will help students to understand following topic of unit-IV of Engineering Mathematics-II(M-II): 1. What is Lagranges form of PDE 2. How to find solution of Lagranges form of PDE. 3. 03 solved problems
This video lecture " Homogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equation With Constant Coefficient- CF and PI in Hindi" will help students to understand following topic of unit-IV of Engineering Mathematics-II(M-II_BE-301): 1. What is homogeneous linear partial differential equation with constant coefficient. 2. How to find complete solution for given PDE. 3.How to find complementary function for given PDE. 4. How to find particular integral for PDE 5. 05 solved problems