Network Theory: Sinusoids Topics discussed: 1) Sine and Cosine functions. 2) The amplitude of a sinusoid. 3) The time period of a sinusoid. 4) The Angular frequency of a sinusoid. 5) General expression of sinusoids. 6) Comparison of two sinusoids.
Peak, Average,RMS Values Of Current & Voltage | Basic Electrical And Electronics Lectures In Hindi
In this video, phasor, and Phasor Diagram for AC circuits have been explained. And at the end, voltage and current relationship between the basic circuit elements like resistor, inductor, and capacitor has been explained using phasor diagram.
Power In A.C. Circuit
Active, Reactive & Apparent Power
In this video, what is power factor, what is the significance/importance of power factor, what is leading and lagging power factor, and how to correct the poor power factor (power factor correction method), has been explained. What is power factor: Power factor is the ratio of True power to the Apparent Power. It is also represented as the Cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and current. (cosĪ) True power: it is the power which is actually utilized for doing some useful work. Reactive Power: It is the power which is used for generating the magnetic field in the inductive component of the load (e.g motors).
Analysis of single-phase AC Circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC combinations
Analysis of single phase AC Circuits consisting of R, L,C, RL, RC, RLC Solved Examples Part-2
In this video, Resonance in the Series RLC circuit has been explained. So, in this video, what is resonance in series RLC circuit, and what are the different parameters (Q factor, Bandwidth) related to Series RLC circuit has been discussed and in the later part of the video, expression for the resonant frequency, Q factor and Bandwidth of the Series RLC circuit have been derived.
Basic Electrical Engineering | Module 3 | Introduction of Three Phase AC
Basic Electrical Engineering | Module 3 | Power in Three Phase AC
Basic Electrical Engineering | Module 3 | Numericals on three phase AC circuits
Star and Delta Connection - Explained